You spend so much time working, slouching over your desks, day in and day out, that you fail to see how quickly the time passes. You spend most of your time working diligently for extended periods to complete tasks on schedule, but you occasionally sneak away to check your mobile devices for IMs and catch up on gossip. Whatever the reason, sitting sedentarily while staring at computers or other electronic devices puts you at risk for many health problems.
Desk jobs typically increase the likelihood of living a sedentary lifestyle. According to the most recent health statistics, approximately 86% of American workers have desk jobs that involve a lot of continuous sitting. When working at a desk, there are several health concerns to consider. Your posture, mental health, and stress levels are all impacted by sitting. Additionally, it might have a role in many illnesses, such as carpal tunnel syndrome and cardiovascular conditions.
Long stretches of desk time can be bad for one’s physical and mental health, especially if combined with additional workplace stressors like a tight deadline or a demanding boss. As a result, employees struggle to find time to stand up, walk about, and adopt different postures. Employee productivity may suffer as a result of this lack of activity. It creates a vicious cycle of negative impacts, including low energy and depressed mood. In addition, some people may develop an unattractive physical appearance due to Upper Crossed Syndrome or Lower Crossed Syndrome. When severe postural deviations impact both the upper and lower bodies, one may occasionally appear to have been double-crossed. Imagine your neck, shoulders, upper back, and chest being malformed.
The real issue, however, lies underlying the disease itself. Thus this goes beyond just being an aesthetic problem. You would have constant pain because many muscles were getting too tight and weak, joints were getting stiffer, and nerves were getting too sensitive. So you wouldn’t want to experience discomfort while working.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises moving more and sitting less. Adults should move more and spend less time sitting down during the day because doing any physical activity has numerous health benefits. Any physical activity that expends energy is referred to as physical activity. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend that people who are sedentary begin with little exercise and progressively build up to at least 150 minutes of moderate to strenuous aerobic activity per week, including two days per week of muscle-building exercises. Given your commitment to your job, it might sound like a lot of time and an impossibility, but it’s not. You don’t have to follow it all at once; you can do it over the entire week. It might only last for 30 minutes five days a week. Even better, split it into smaller portions by taking short rest breaks throughout the day rather than sitting for long periods. You can follow the suggestions by doing the following:
Studies have shown that taking a short walk during breaks helps workers stay focused and less tired in the late afternoon. For example, instead of only exchanging messages on social media, you can go for a walk to speak with a coworker. In addition, you can walk around the building during longer pauses to help clear your head before more challenging work.
Ankle pumping, shoulder shrugs, and shoulder circles might help to loosen up tense muscles and stimulate blood flow. In addition, you can perform muscle-strengthening exercises, stretching, and even brief bursts of aerobic activity at your workstation. As the advantages are cumulative, the exercise of any intensity is beneficial.
A stand-up desk enables you to stand up while working. Compared to people who sit down the entire workday, a stand-up desk has been shown to minimize stress and weariness, boost vigour and energy levels, and lower the risk of low back pain.
It’s sometimes how you pass the time while sitting! It’s preferable to engage in some exercise than none.
Executive function is improved by mentally taxing activities like reading while seated, actively utilizing a computer, and doing a lot of paperwork. These data show that simply sitting down does not put you at risk of severe illnesses; nonetheless, it is vital to consider how active you are when sitting.